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Preliminlary Review Panel function and order of events


To determine whether or not the case should proceed to the Review Panel, based on the available evidence. If substantial evidence  to support the charge does not exist (e.g. the panel determines that the evidence does not point to wrong-doing or is based on hearsay), the case is dismissed; otherwise, the case is sent forward to the Review Panel. The Preliminary Review Panel's decision does not indicate guilt or innocence; it simply indicates that further scrutiny by a Review Panel is warranted and that the case should be reviewed with the aid of personal testimonies from the parties involved. 


A minimum of five graduate students and two faculty members.

Voting Privileges

Only student members vote in a PRP. Faculty members serve in an advisory capacity.


The hearing is chaired by the Associate Chair, and the detailed procedures can be found below under "Order of Events."

Preliminary Review Waiver

The referred student(s) and referrer shall have the opportunity to review the report prepared by the Associate Chair before it is presented to a Preliminary Review Panel.

If, after review of the materials presented in the report, the referred student(s) accepts that there is substantive evidence to support the charge and warrant a full hearing of the case by a Review Panel, the student may request an Preliminary Review Waiver. This request must be submitted to the Chair within five (5) University business days of the student(s) receiving access to the case packet.

A request for an PRP Waiver must be received before a Preliminary Review Panel meeting is scheduled.

A request for a PRP Waiver does not, in any way, imply guilt on the part of the student(s).

In cases involving multiple accused students, if all accused students do not request a PRP Waiver, the case will proceed to an Preliminlary Review Panel.

Cases for which an PRP waiver is granted proceed directly to a Review Panel for a hearing.

For more information on the Preliminary Review Panel, please see Article IV of the GHS Constitution.

Order of Events

Prior to the hearing, the associate chair will have prepared the case packet, and its contents were shared with each panelist ahead of time. The GHS constitution is accessible online by all participants, and should be referenced as needed if procedural questions arise. 

  1. The associate chair reminds panelists:
    • Board discussions must be kept confidential
    • Panelists are not to share case files or case information with anyone
    • Faculty members serve on the PRP in an advisory capacity, without voting privileges.
    • The purpose of the PRP is to determine whether substantive evidence exists to support the charge(s). The lack of such evidence should lead panelists to vote against sending the case to a Review Panel and consequently lead to the termination of the proceedings. Otherwise, the panel should send the case forward for the further scrutiny of the Review Panel. The fact that the case is forwarded to the Review Panel does not imply guilt; the PRP simply states that the case should be reviewed with the aid of personal testimonies.
  2. Introductions of everyone present for the meeting.
  3. Associate Chair summarizes the case and opens the floor for discussion.
  4. When discussion is exhausted, the Associate Chair asks faculty panelists for their final advice or comments.
  5. Student panelists may motion to either to send forward or to dismiss case.
  6. Vote is taken and recorded, along with the rationale of the panel. 
  7. The Associate Chair thanks all panelists and reminds them of confidentiality. 
  8. Meeting is adjourned.