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Review Panel function and order of events


To hear the personal testimony of those involved and to deliberate on the case outcome (verdict and penalty, if applicable). These recommendations are passed on to the Dean of the Graduate School, who makes the final decision regarding the case outcome.


A minimum of four graduate students and three faculty members.

Voting Privileges

Both faculty and student members have voting privileges. 


The hearing is facilitated by the GHS Chair, and procedures are detailed below under "Order of Events."

For more information on the Review Panel, please see Article IV of the GHS Constitution.

Order of Events

  • Recording is turned on.
  • Introductions of all participants present in the hearing.
  • The procedure of the Review Panel hearing is reviewed.
  • The information and materials obtained during the evidence gathering, including the original statement of the charge, is presented.
  • Each of the referred is asked to enter a plea (guilty, not guilty, or no plea) for each charge.
  • The referrer(s) is asked to comment on the incident and may present witnesses.
  • The referred student(s) is asked to comment on the incident and may present witnesses.
  • Review Panel members ask questions of the referred student(s) and the referrer(s). The referred student(s) and the referrer(s) may NOT practice cross-examination; however, they may make clarifying statements in response to questions and comments made in the hearing. Only Panel members and GHS personnel may ask questions.
  • The referrer(s) is asked to make a final statement.
  • The referred student(s) is asked to make a final statement.
  • The referrer(s) and the accused student(s) are dismissed from the hearing.
  • Recording is turned off and the panel goes into closed deliberation.
  • Guilt/Innocence: The panel must first determine guilt or innocence before the choice of a penalty is discussed, unless the student entered a guilty plea. At the conclusion of the discussion on guilt vs. innocence, the Chair asks panelists whether the student guilty of the alleged violation. A determination of guilt requires a majority vote by the panel. If a majority is not obtained, the panel is  deemed to have found the student not guilty.
  • Penalty: If a guilty verdict is reached or the accused student accepted responsibility,  panelists discuss the choice of penalty and motion with their recommendation. Penalty recommendations also require a majority vote. Penalties are listed in Article VI: Section 1 of the GHS Constitution.
  • The panel is reminded of the strict confidentiality of the case and the panel is dismissed.
  • The referred is notified in writing about the verdict and his/her right to an appeal, if such is warranted.