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Student-initiated Fellowships and Scholarships

External fellowships and scholarships are an important potential source of financial support for graduate students. Pursuing and acquiring grant funding also provides valuable professional development experiences.

We share the resources below to assist students with various aspects of securing external funding.

All enrolled graduate students are subscribed to the GLC Weekly listserv or the D.C. Area Weekly Newsletter of the Graduate School in which we share events, services, administrative announcements that may include funding opportunities, and on-campus jobs for graduate students. Messages are posted on Mondays. The GLC Weekly postings are also available at: The D.C. Area Weekly newsletter is archived at:

Fellowship Deadline

 * - International Students are Eligible to Apply (may be limited to certain ones in each group and/or other specific restrictions)

The Graduate School serves as the coordinating office for several external fellowships and scholarships, such as GEM, NSF GRFP, Packard, Ford, and many others. If you have questions about how your fellowship will be managed, email for assistance.

List of related courses offered at Virginia Tech

CRN Title Description Eligibility
81261 Communication Skills Written and oral communication skills, including business and technical writing, public speaking, and interpersonal communication. Instruction and practice in the application of communication skills for business and agriculture. Emphasis on effective use of word processing and email software. All
80364 Research and Info System Life Sciences A focus on research techniques and processes for life science professions. Topics include: history of applied life sciences, current structure of the scientific enterprise, the scientific method and quality assurances, researching the literature, scientific writing and presentation of research results, instructional techniques, professionalism, and ethical considerations. Information technology is employed throughout the course. Students learn to use digital technologies for communication, presentation, and publication. All
80753 Prof Dev (Animal Sciences) Provides graduate students training and experiences to develop professional expertise as scholars, scientists and industry professionals. Scientific method in the development of graduate research, time management, self-reflection, analysis and assessment, integrating research and teaching, ethical conduct in research and teaching, research integrity, ethical writing and avoiding plagiarism, applying critical thinking to research and teaching, professional scientific presentations, training and certification (including IACUC and new VT-specific EHS Biosafety for Research Labs). Pre: Graduate standing. Grad
81930 BSE Seminar Critical review of technical and professional articles on current topics in Biological Systems Engineering. Development of oral presentation and technical writing skills. Contemporary ethical, professional, and global issues in Biological Systems Engineering. All
81900 Grant Writing and Ethics (Bio Med and Vet school) A framework for writing clear, concise grant proposals in a team-oriented, multidisciplinary approach from concept development through submission to a funding agency. Potential ethical dilemmas that may arise in academic, industrial, or federal research settings will be discussed. PRE: Undergraduate courses in one of the following: organic chemistry (CHEM 2565/2566), cell and molecular biology (BIOL 2104), Concepts of Biochemistry (BCHM 2024), or equivalent. Grad
82779 Grant Writing and Ethics (Chemistry) A framework for writing clear, concise grant proposals in a team-oriented, multidisciplinary approach from concept development through submission to a funding agency. Potential ethical dilemmas that may arise in academic, industrial, or federal research settings will be discussed. Pre: Undergraduate courses in one of the following: organic chemistry (CHEM 2565/2566), cell & molecular biology (BIOL 2104), Concepts of Biochemistry (BCHM 2024), or equivalent. Grad
91110 Technical Writing Principles and processes of effective written communication of technical information. Strategies for analyzing various workplace communication situations, adapting to audiences, evaluating online content, understanding ethical dimensions of research, and composing technical discourse, including organizing visual and verbal information. Practice in writing, individually and collaboratively, instructions and procedures, proposals and reports, correspondence, and presentations. Junior standing. Junior
84762 Grant Proposal and Reports (English) This course prepares students to write effective proposals, reports, and informational articles. Students learn to define and write problem statements, program objectives, plans of action, evaluation plans, budget presentations, and summaries. In addition, they sharpen their teamwork, editing, writing, audience awareness, and design skills as they engage in collaborative projects with campus and/or non-profit organizations in the community. Prerequisite or consent of the instructor is required. All
91112 Science Writing (English) Writing in and about the natural and social sciences. Students will write documents such as abstracts, research proposals, and ethnographies, analyze the development of disciplinary writing practices, and study non-fiction science writing for general audiences. Senior standing or instructor approval required. Senior
85369 Grant Writing and Ethics (Food Sciences) A framework for writing clear, concise grant proposals in a team-oriented, multidisciplinary approach from concept development through submission to a funding agency. Potential ethical dilemmas that may arise in academic, industrial, or federal research settings will be discussed. PRE: Undergraduate courses in one of the following: organic chemistry (CHEM 2565/2566), cell & molecular biology (BIOL 2104), Concepts of Biochemistry (BCHM 2024), or equivalent. Grad
91437 Grant Development and Admin in Human Development Overview of the methods and procedures for developing competitive grant proposals. Students learn basic grant writing skills that include identifying and seeking funding sources, preparing a fundable grant proposal, building a budget, and managing a funded project. Portfolio project: Development of actual grant proposal for an organization or special project. All
86229 Technical Communication for Engineers Fundamentals of effective technical writing. Structure, presentation, and utility of common engineering documents: laboratory reports, technical reports, proposals, progress reports, and project reports. Practice in writing common engineering documents, both individually and collaboratively. Strategies and practice for effective oral technical presentations, both individually and group-based. Ethical and legal considerations in technical writing and oral technical presentations. All topics covered within the context of typical engineering problems and practice. All
85643 Grad Library Research Skills Skills needed to succeed in the current information environment including the ethical use of information, the process of information retrieval, and the landscape of scholarly communication. Literature reviews, data management, grant requirements, citation management, and selection of appropriate resources. Grad
85709 Senior Capstone (Human DEvelopment) Intensive learning experiences in critical thinking and analysis. Opportunities to demonstrate breadth of learning while developing leadership skills and honing professional competencies. Topics include leadership and team development, problem solving, grant writing, program evaluation, and electronic portfolios. Senior standing in Human Services required. Senior
80433 Exper for Ocean Vehicle Design 4205: Facilities, instrumentation, and experiments pertinent to ocean engineering in the field of flow measurements and resistance and propulsion tests of surface and underwater vehicles. Analysis and communication of experimental data through technical report writing. 4206: Assessment of ocean system design through experiments, data analysis, and technical report writing. All
81257 ASPECT Professional Developmnt Preparation for successful completion of the interdisciplinary Ph.D. and for post-doctoral professional roles. Assists Ph.D. students in proposal preparation, identifying funding ASPECT related research, determining publication outlets and manuscript preparation requirements, and conference paper guidelines and presentation. Graduate standing in ASPECT doctoral program required. Grad (only ASPECT)
91613 Proposing IE Research Processes involved with proposing research in industrial engineering. Methods and approaches to generate effective proposals. Alternative mechanisms involved in identifying and proposing research. Material is examined through several exercises and case studies. Course is intended for second- year doctoral students who have completed the preliminary exam but have not yet defended the proposal. Grad

Fellowship and scholarship recipients are expected to be enrolled for a minimum of 12 credit hours each for the Fall and Spring semesters, unless the funding agency specifies otherwise. 

Policy 3400 outlines protocols for awarding and managing scholarships and similar awards (fellowships) held by the Virginia Tech Foundation.  Technical assistance (for department coordinators) is available from the Foundation or the Office of University Scholarships and Financial Aid (USFA).

The National Science Foundation now requires universities, programs, and researchers to include a mentoring plan for the graduate students and postdocs who will be working on the grant. This presentation shares information about the requirement, which may be useful. Use this link for a narrative of the slide presentation. 

Below are presentations and resources shared at the Graduate School's Student-Initiated Proposal workshop. This workshop was first held in-person in Blacksburg in Spring 2025, with plans to offer it each semester in the future.

College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences Graduate Fellowships Website

Graduate Fellowships in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Education - Dr. Tom Ewing, Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences

Grant Writing - Dr. Aimee Surprenant, Dean of the Graduate School

Introduction to Virginia Tech's Proposal Submission Process and Fellowship Applications - Jessi King, Senior Pre Award Associate, Office of Sponsored Programs

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Fellowships - Dr. Clayton Caswell, Associate Professor, Biomedical Science

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program - Grace O'Malley, Teaching Asssistant for GRFP Prep Course

Writing Effective Research Proposals - Dr. Kevin Edgar, Associate Dean, Graduate School