Graduate Cooperative Education Program
The graduate co-op education program is intended to be an integral part of a student's academic program, either satisfying academic requirements such as work toward thesis or dissertation or allowing students to apply knowledge they have acquired through coursework and research as they progress to degree completion. All graduate students may be authorized for co-op if they meet eligibility requirements.
International students who wish to pursue CPT (Curricular Practical Training) work authorization must first be approved for co-op to provide the academic justification for CPT. Students whose academic program has a mandatory practicum element must instead enroll in the practicum course specified by their department. You may find more complete information on CPT on Cranwell International Center’s webpage.
For additional information, please contact Graduate Student Services at (540) 231-4558 or email, including "co-op" in the subject line.
NOTE: As of Fall 2024, the co-op course no longer requires creating/changing a plan of study for approval.

- Complete at least one semester of academic work in your program of study before pursuing a co-op. International students must be enrolled full-time for two semesters prior to co-op as required by immigration regulations.
- Be in good academic standing, with a GPA of 3.0 or above.
- Resolve any holds on your student account, with the exception of holds related to Graduate Honor System cases.
- Obtain an offer for employment, and ensure that the employment terms fit the requirements and restrictions outlined below. Make sure that your offer letter has all of the required elements listed under “How to Apply”
Need help finding opportunities? Career and Professional Development is an excellent, free resource available to help you navigate job searching, building a resume, crafting a good cover letter, interviewing, negotiating an offer, and more. Access their resources here:
The Graduate School has set the following employement requirements and definitions to ensure your co-op is a meaningful academic experience.
Your co-op experience must:
- be related to your field of study
- be documented by a formal offer letter (requirements outlined below)
- fulfill the minimum length requirement for each semester requested (full-term co-op: 14 weeks for Fall or Spring and 6-14 weeks for Summer; short-term co-op: 4-13 weeks in Fall or Spring and 4-5 weeks for Summer). Co-ops must be a minimum of 4 weeks long, regardless of semester.
- be at least 4 hours per week. A full-time co-op is defined as 32 hours or more per week; a part-time co-op is defined as 31 hours or less per week.
- fall within the dates for the requested semester, outlined in the chart below. We do not allow you to begin work in the term you are applying for co-op until after you have completed your academic work for the semester. We assume that date to be Reading Day of the semester prior to when you are requesting to do your co-op. The end date of your co-op should be no later than the day before the next semester's classes begin.
Term | Earliest Start Date | Latest End Date |
Fall 2024 | August 10, 2024 | January 20, 2025 |
Winter* 2024 | December 12, 2024 | January 20, 2025 |
Spring 2025 | December 12, 2024 | May 26, 2025 |
Summer 2025 | May 8, 2025 | August 24, 2025 |
Fall 2025 | August 16, 2025 | January 19, 2026 |
*The Winter semester is only if you are participating in the co-op program within the winter dates and not the spring and fall semesters.
- A full-time co-op experience may not begin while a student has an active assistantship contract. Please have your department adjust your assistantship end dates in Banner if you wish to begin a full-time co-op before the original contract end date. (Students may have a half-assistantship (10 hours) with a part-time co-op, for a combined 20 hours in the fall and spring).
- Co-ops are approved separately for each semester. If you receive an offer that covers multiple semesters, please be sure your employment dates fulfill the minimum requirements for each semester. You will need to re-apply for co-op (and CPT, if applicable) for the second semester, ideally at least 3 weeks before the first day of class for that term.
- A co-op in the fall and spring semesters must be a minimum of 14 weeks and full time (32 or more hours/wek) to be considered continuous enrollment. Anything less than that will require you to be enrolled in additional credits.
- International students may only engage in 12 total months of full time co-op/CPT. Other restrictions and concerns for international students are available on the information page for CPT.
- Once you have an offer, ensure your job offer letter has the following information:
- Your full name
- Full name of the company
- Title of your position for the co-op
- Co-op supervisor's name
- Supervisor’s contact information
- Whether the co-op is full time (>32 hours/week) or part time (<32 hours/week)
- Whether the position is paid or unpaid
- Beginning and end dates of the co-op experience (see eligible dates in before you apply section)
- Short job description
- If your offer letter does not contain the full information requested, please secure an updated offer letter OR written confirmation directly from your employer regarding any missing elements. Please submit all documents in one file in co-op application, if possible.
- Complete the Co-op Application Form online and upload your job offer letter (login with your VT Google credentials is required for accessing the form). If your offer letter does not contain all of the information needed; the approval process will take much longer.
- Alert your faculty advisor/department approver so they know to expect an email prompting them to review your application. If they have questions, you may refer them to the Academic Department Approver FAQ section below; have them contact; or call (540) 231-4558. If you are unsure who your department approver may be, contact your advisor or graduate program coordinator.
When should I start planning for a co-op?
As soon as you like! You will not be enrolled in the co-op course until after your co-op is approved, so you will not incur a charge and will not have to manage a withdrawal.
When should I submit my application?
We recommend at least four weeks before your intended start date to ensure that you can receive co-op approval from both your department and the Graduate School and still have time to apply for CPT (if needed) and have your new I-20 issued. If your co-op application is submitted less than 10 days before your co-op start date, you may be asked to provide an updated offer letter with a new start date.
How do I know where my application is in the process?
Once you apply, your application will route directly to the departmental approver you listed on the form. You will receive an automated email once they have reviewed your application, noting approval or denial. Once your department approves, your application will go to the Graduate School for approval and you will receive a notification once it has been reviewed. The final approval email will contain a PDF of the approval, which can be attached to your CPT application (if applicable). If you have concerns about your co-op application, you may contact and include “co-op” in the subject line. If you have questions about the progress on your CPT application, please contact
Can I have my form expedited?
We process each application as soon as we are able, with the understanding that each student’s opportunity to pursue outside employment is important to them. We receive a high volume of requests at the end of each semester, and do our best to process them as efficiently as possible in the order they are received.
Domestic students will be enrolled in the co-op course by the Graduate School and may begin employment.
International students will be enrolled in the co-op course by the Graduate School but also need to apply for CPT through the IntlHokies portal, using the PDF of their co-op approval sent in their final approval email. More details on CPT here.
International students may begin employment only after their CPT is approved and a new I-20 is issued. Students may begin their co-op before they are registered for the co-op course, as long as they have CPT approval.
When students are enrolled in the co-op course, all other courses are removed, as co-op fulfills the minimum requirement for full-time student status. If you wish to enroll in additional courses while on co-op, please contact with information on what classes you want to be registered for.
At the end of the co-op experience, the employer must complete the co-op evaluation form (fillable pdf). This form may then be submitted by either the employer or the student online (via our google form) at the conclusion of the co-op experience.
Students engaging in multiple semesters at the same employer must submit an evaluation at the end of each semester, including Summer.
If your employer has restrictions against employee evaluations, you may instead submit a letter from your employer's HR team confirming your employment.
What do I need to include in my offer letter?
The student’s full name
The full name of the company
The title of the student position
The student’s supervisor
The supervisor’s contact information
Whether the internship/co-op is full-time or part-time
Whether the position is paid or unpaid
The beginning and end dates of the co-op experience
A job description
How do I submit an evaluation at the end of the student’s employment?
At the end of the co-op experience, the employer must complete the co-op evaluation form (fillable pdf). This form may then be submitted by either the employer or the student online (via our google form) at the conclusion of the co-op experience.
Students engaging in multiple semesters at the same employer must submit an evaluation for each semester.
How can I make job postings readily available to VT students?
You can always post job listings on Handshake, our university page for employment opportunities. Find more information here:
If you wish to employ international students utilizing co-op and CPT, it can be helpful to review the employment restrictions above in the "Before You Apply" section to ensure that your postings fit within the required dates and fulfill minimum requirements for interested students. Understanding these restrictions will also help your student employees gain work authorization more quickly, as less adjustments have to be made before approval.
How do I prepare my students for co-op?
You may prepare students for co-op by clearly communicating departmental expectations, and directing them to this webpage for questions about requirements and restrictions, as soon as they believe they may be interested in a co-op.
What am I responsible for approving?
If you have been selected as a departmental approver for co-op applications, your role is to ensure that the position fits the student’s academic interests, would be beneficial to their academic experience, and does not hinder them from making progress towards degree completion. Any other requirements or restrictions listed above on this page are covered by the Graduate School in their review, and immigration concerns (including visa extensions) are managed by Cranwell International Center.
I received an email to review a student application, but cannot access the link.
Make sure that you are logged into the Google Suite using your VT PID, not an alias or personal account. If the student entered your alias, you also may have issues accessing the form with your PID. If this has happened, or if you are still experiencing issues, email with “co-op” in the subject line and the student’s name.
I have already approved, but my student has not received a notification.
Please ensure that you only use Chrome (preferred) or Firefox to approve. Apple Safari will allow you to access the form and will mimic approval, but the form will never process this and the Graduate School will not be informed. If this happens, please contact with “co-op” in the subject line, and the student’s name. We will be able to re-send the form for approval on an appropriate browser.
The student submitted their application, but included the wrong person as departmental approver.
Email with "co-op" in the subject line. Let us know the student's name and the correct name and email for the departmental approver and we can update the application. Alternatively, the student may resubmit the application designating the correct approver.
I would like to support a student’s co-op experience, but they are currently not in good academic standing.
Send a letter of support to the Graduate School via, with “co-op” in the subject line. If the student has already applied and you have already approved, the Graduate School will request this letter from the student, and they may upload using their application link.