Graduate School News
Virginia Tech is home to more than 7,200 graduate students enrolled in certificate and degree programs across nine colleges. You can learn about our students and their work, our graduate programs, and the events and information we share via University News stories, our blogs, and our social media accounts here.
Graduate students and programs in the news
Video ItemFinding joy in the creation of design , video
Dani Juarez is a graduate student at the Washington-Alexandria Architecture Center(WAAC). Her master’s thesis is designing an art center in Alexandria, containing various maker’s spaces. Juarez has taken the creative process a step further by making the paper and pigments used to showcase her designs.
Graduate School Bulletin
The Graduate School has launched a twice-monthly newsletter that will be archived at this blog site. The blog is a way to communicate with graduate program directors (GPDs) and graduate coordinators regarding upcoming events, policy updates, administrative announcements and important deadlines.
What we're sharing on Facebook