Accelerated Undergraduate/Graduate Program

Students must be accepted into a master's degree program and approved for Accelerated UG/GR, Dual or 152 ACIS status prior to the first day of classes of the term in which the double-counted or GR-level-only courses will begin.
1. Students must apply online for master's degree admission, indicating as the requested term of admission the semester immediately after the bachelor's degree is awarded. For example, students who obtain their bachelor's degree in Fall 2022 will need to apply for graduate admission for Spring 2023.
2. The students must complete the Accelerated Undergraduate/Graduate Status and Course Designation Request. Indicate on the form:
- which graduate program to enter
- the term in which to start double counting courses
- which courses will be double counted (UG/G) or will be taken for graduate level credit only (Dual)
3. Departmental and Graduate School review and approval:
- The department indicates its recommendation for admission in the admission system and submits the approved UG/GR Degree and Course Designation Request to the Graduate School. The approved UG/GR Degree and Course Designation Request form confirms the department's approval of the student's admission into the accelerated undergraduate/graduate status program and details of the courses to be taken in this status.
- Once admission to the master's program is approved, the student can download the admission letter in the application status portal.
4. Upon approval, the student's Banner record will reflect UG/GR or Dual status, and the student may enroll in undergraduate and graduate courses. Tuition will be charged at the undergraduate level. After all undergraduate degree requirements are completed and the bachelor's degree is conferred, students may enroll in GR status.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Graduate Admissions and Academic Progress (, 540/231-8636).