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Resources for Families

University organizations, centers, and the Graduate School offer several services and programs aimed at supporting families and making work-life harmony a little easier. Here are a few of them.

Kids Night Out

During fall and spring semesters while classes are in session, the Virginia Tech Women's Center sponsors "Kids Night Out", a free weekly drop-in child care program, on Thursdays between 6-8:30 p.m. The center, at 206 Washington Street provides care for children ages 2-12 (must be toilet trained). Check the GLC weekly listserv  or the Women's center website on Mondays for a link to register for the program each week.  Spaces are limited and participation is available on a first come basis.

The program provides children with games, toys, books, crafts, homework help, and plenty of fun. Child care is provided by volunteers of Chi Delta Alpha sorority.

For more information, contact Jessie Meltsner at  or 231-7806.

Little Hokie™ Hand-Me-Down

Each November, the VT Women's Center, Graduate Student Assembly and Graduate School team up to sponsor the free Little Hokie Hand-Me-Down in the Graduate Life Center multipurpose room. Members of the university community and folks from the surrounding area donate new, unused, or gently used items for children ages 0-10 years. Donations include clothing, children's equipment, toys, diapers, bedding, formula, strollers, car seats, school supplies and more, and usually fill the multipurpose room. On Hand-Me-Down day, graduate students can fill a bag with donated items, and select from among larger items. 

Work-life Grant

The work-life grant program is a partnership of the Graduate School and the university's colleges to provide up to six-weeks of paid leave to graduate assistants, graduate teaching assistants, and graduate research assistants (GAs, GTAs, GRAs,) for childbirth, adoption and major life events.

Map of accessible routes and building doors on campus

We want to help you with the challenges of getting around campus with wheels (stroller, wheelchair, scooter, etc.). This map shows how to get around campus without dealing with stairs, high curbs and other impediments to wheeled assistance; and which building doors are ADA accessible.  Click on Layers tab at the top of the map, and then on "Accessibility" to turn it blue and activate the layer. The Legend tab contains information about what the symbols mean.

Lactation Rooms

Virginia Tech is proud to support nursing parents with a network of 24 facilities located throughout the Blacksburg campus. Visit Hokie Wellness's information page, to register to use lactation rooms and for a list of locations.

Working Parents' Listserv

An opportunity for working parents to come together to network, share resources and support one another. To sign up for the listserv or for more information, email Christine Dennis Smith.

Women's Center at Virginia Tech

The Women's Center provides a wide range of supports and services to students at Virginia Tech, including resources for families. One way to learn about them is to sign up for the weekly newsletter