Academic Support Resources

We have lots of academic and professional development resources to help you study, conduct research, teach, and prepare for your future career.
College Librarians
Contact your college’s designated librarian for help with library research and resources specific to your areas of study.
Grants and Funding
Search for research grants, fellowships, scholarships, and funding opportunities collected by the Office of the Vice President for Research.
Institutional Review Board
Get guidance and requirements for conducting research that involves human subjects.
Intellectual Properties
Learn about commercialization options and legal protection for inventions, discoveries, and materials developed in your research.
Statistical Consulting
Get free assistance with designing experiments, analyzing and interpreting data, preparing proposals, and writing reports.
Graduate Teaching Assistant Workshop
Get advice from experienced GTAs and faculty to prepare for your graduate teaching assistantship.
Academy for Graduate Teaching Excellence
Learn about theories of pedagogy and develop skills for teaching in a college-level classroom.
Writing and Publishing
Citation Management Software
Download software programs that are free or licensed through the university to help you manage bibliographies and cite references in APA, MLA, and other citation styles.
Writing Center
Get free one-on-one support for your writing, including tutoring, editing, and consultations.
Computer security and antivirus software
The cybersecurity team has a page with three steps to improve computer security. For information about software available to students, visit the IT student software page.
Discount Software
Get a student discount on software like Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Office, statistical analysis programs, and more.