Site and people search options for search this site, search all Virginia Tech sites, or search people
The search feature within the content management system themes has options for searching the site you are currently on (default), searching all Virginia Tech websites, or searching for people directory information.
Search results display showing the ALL results tab with web, people, and News results shown
Search results will appear in the All tab for web search results with asides for matching people and news results. If the theme people search option or the people tab is clicked, people results will be displayed, alone.
There are other refinement tabs that will also display results for common Virginia Tech resources.
Search Tips
quantum physics Finds all documents that contain both words, 'quantum' as well as 'physics'.
'quantum physics' Finds all documents that contain the exact phrase 'quantum physics'.
physics -quantum Finds all documents that contain the word 'physics' but excludes ones containing the word 'quantum'.
physics OR quantum Finds all documents that contain at least one of the two words. The 'OR' must be uppercase.
Student completes departmental form to initiate the Plan of Study (POS) and to designate committee members (selected by the student or assigned by the department).
All committee members sign the form.
Graduate Coordinator enters form into Banner in SZAGPLN (see SZAGREV for original entries and POS returned for correction).
Graduate Program Director approves POS in Banner in SZAGAPR.
Graduate School Action
Graduate School reviews POS.
Is there a need for correction? If Yes, return to Department Action step 3. Program Director will address need for correction and resubmit POS. If no need for a correction, or a corrected POS has been submitted and passes review, continue on to Graduate School Action step 3.
Graduate School Approves.
Approved POS is visible to the student in Hokie SPA.