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GTA Workshop

Hundreds of students attend the Graduate Teaching Assistant workshop each fall

The GTA Workshop course (GRAD 5004) is required for new GTAs (not for GAs or GRAs). GTAs must take it once during their graduate program, ideally in their first semester. Phase I of the GTA workshop is always on Tuesday before classes begin in the fall, and always on Thursday before classes begin in the spring

The workshop is designed with new GTAs in mind, and many excellent faculty and experienced graduate students from across campus volunteer to share their skills, experience, and advice with those beginning as Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs). Participating students have an opportunity to share questions and challenges with students from other disciplines.

The workshop introduces GTAs to resources that are available to design a course, manage a class, create an inclusive classroom, communicate effectively with students from different backgrounds and disciplines, resolve conflicts, use technology in teaching and learning environments, develop rubrics, and promote academic integrity.

Students also learn about laws such as the Family Educational Rights and Practices Act (FERPA) and Title IX. Other topics include learning management systems and securing their computers and devices.

Material covered in the GTA workshop helps students perform better in their teaching assignments and support of undergraduate students. It prepares them for both academic or industrial positions, and gives them the opportunity to excel in their assignments and take leadership roles, as many have done.

Registration for GRAD 5004 Course

Students may register for the GTA Workshop during the regular course request and drop/add periods. Register at least a week in advance of Phase I sessions to ensure that you get added to the course Canvas site before Phase I begins. 

Fall 2024 registration:

  • CRN 86109 section is for students on the Blacksburg campus (hybrid course, in person or online participation is allowed)
  • CRN 86110 for students at extended campus sites

The course begins with a required half-day Phase I session at the Moss Arts Center from 8:00am to 12:30pm on Tuesday, Aug 20. 

Registration for GRAD 5004 Phase II Sessions

Students who register for the course will receive instructions about the Phase I schedule and specifics about participation as well as about enrolling in Phase II sessions.

Doctoral student Najla Mouchrek is pursuing an Individualized Interdisciplinary Ph.D. at Virginia Tech

Evaluation and Credit for GRAD 5004

This is a pass/fail class. To receive credit for GRAD 5004, students must attend all of the sessions in Phase I and the required number of sessions in Phase II. In addition, they must write and submit an acceptable reflection of their GTA experiences and challenges.  Specific instructions will be provided to enrolled students.

Future GTA workshop dates:

For Fall 2024, the GTA workshop will be on Tuesday, August 20, at the Moss Arts Center on the Blacksburg campus.

The Spring 2025 GTA workshop will be on Thursday, January 16, 2025, in the Graduate Life Center auditorium.

For more information, see our frequently asked questions.

For Fall 2024, the GTA workshop will be on Tuesday, August 20, at the Moss Arts Center on the Blacksburg campus.

The Spring 2025 GTA workshop will be on Thursday, January 16, 2025, in the Graduate Life Center auditorium.

Fall 2024 Workshop Agenda