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Funding Sponsored by the Graduate School

Spring 2025 Fellowships

 Eligibility Requirements

  • Virginia Tech master’s and doctoral level students in the College of Natural Resources and Environment or the College of Science
  • Notable academic merit
  • Nomination from faculty member or department


  • $12,000 stipend for Spring 2025
  • In-state tuition for spring semester
  • Fellowship does not provide out-of-state tuition assistance

Academic departments must submit a Spring Fellowship Nomination Form by November 30

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be a Virginia Tech graduate student enrolled in graduate studies
  • Nomination from faculty member or department


  • $15,000 stipend for Spring 2025
  • In-state tuition for spring semester
  • Fellowship does not provide out-of-state tuition assistance  

Academic departments must submit a Spring Fellowship Nomination Form by November 30.

Additional Fellowships and Scholarships

COVES is a 12-week summer fellowship program (May-August) operated by the Virginia Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine (the Academy) and open to STEM graduate students.

During the program, fellows will be trained in science policy and science communication, spend time in legislative offices, executive agencies or companies and nonprofits in the state, and will be paired with an Academy mentor and involved in briefings, meetings and the Academy’s annual summit in August. 

More information can be found in this overview

Who can apply: The program is open to current science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) graduate students (master’s and doctoral).

How to apply: Applications should include the COVES fellowship application form, a resume or CV, names and contact information for two professional references, a letter of support from your advisor, Science Policy in Virginia summary, Diversity Statement, and a personal statement, details of which are on the application. All documents should be uploaded as a single PDF file into the google application form.

The university will choose nominations from among applicants to forward to the Academy, whose advisory board will select one fellow.

Time commitment: Fellows must agree to the full-time commitment the program requires.

Compensation: Each fellow receives a $11,000 stipend.

Deadline: December 12, 2024.

Award will be $3,000 per year for students preparing for a career in higher education, actively engaged with transformative graduate education initiatives.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be a current Virginia Tech graduate student
  • Must have taken GRAD courses or participated in transformative graduate education activities
  • Nomination from a faculty member or department


  • One-time fellowship payment of $3,000 paid at the beginning of the Fall semester


Academic departments must submit a Fellowship Nomination Form by April 1 

The David W. Francis and Lillian Francis Scholarship Fund was established to provide graduate fellowships in research that emphasizes longer, safer, and healthier lives. The disciplines designated in the endowment include agriculture, engineering, bioinformatics, plant pathology, wood science and forest products, veterinary medicine, and biotechnology.

Eligibility Requirements

  • For Ph.D. students in their final year of research
  • Research that emphasizes “longer, safer, and healthier lives”
  • Nomination from an academic department


  • $24,000 stipend
  • In-state tuition for one academic year
  • The fellowship does not provide out-of-state tuition assistance


Dean's Diversity Assistantships are funding opportunities focused on recruiting underrepresented students.

Eligibility Requirements

  • For Master’s and Doctoral students
  • Preference is given to students who did not attend Virginia Tech for their undergraduate degree
  • Students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
  • Students must be entering their first year of graduate study at Virginia Tech
  • Part-time students making the transition to full-time graduate student status are eligible for consideration


  • Regular departmental assistantship stipend
  • In-state tuition (and out-of-state waiver as needed)
  • Students must pay their own comprehensive fees


  • Maximum of three nominations per department
  • Nominations must be made by a faculty member with a Virginia Tech PID and password
  • Nominations must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on March 1. Use this link to access the Nomination form.
  • For more information, contact the Assistant Dean of Student Services, Inclusion, and Strategic Partnerships, Catherine Cotrupi, at (540) 231-6529.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be a Virginia Tech graduate student enrolled in graduate studies
  • Nomination from a faculty member or department


  • One-time fellowship payment of $2,500 paid at the beginning of the fall semester


By providing up to 5 in-state tuition scholarships annually and out-of-state tuition waivers for the entire duration of a degree program under Fulbright sponsorship, the Graduate School supports the enrollment of Fulbright students to  increase the diversity of the graduate student body at the program and/or university level;  encourage the enrollment of externally-funded students at Virginia Tech; and allow students and departments to get to know one another in the first year of study while identifying other source(s) of funding for subsequent years. 


  • Must be admitted into a graduate degree program under Fulbright program sponsorship (DS-2019 form issued by IIE, LASPAU or other Fulbright organization or affiliate)
  • Must be nominated for Graduate School support by academic department/program (self-nominations from students are not accepted)
  • Maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or above (on a 4-point scale)
  • Enroll in 12-18 credit hours in fall and spring semesters. Summer enrollment is not required. 

Financial support from the Graduate School:

  • Out-of-state tuition waiver each semester for all Fulbright students as long as they remain under Fulbright program sponsorship
  • Up to five in-state tuition scholarships to select Fulbright students, covering the in-state tuition and applicable program fee for the fall and spring semesters. The in-state tuition award is valid for one year and is not transferable, nor renewable. Award decisions are made in spring (March-May) for students starting in August, based on:
    • Strong departmental support
    • Priority identified by Fulbright
    • Student’s program objective and country of origin (only one scholarship may be offered per program)      


  • Academic departments may request the one-year in-state tuition scholarship by completing the Fulbright Support Request Form between November 1 and May 15. Only one in-state tuition scholarship may be offered per department/program. 
  • In the request include:
    • Applicant’s name
    • Degree and level of the applicant 
    • Department contact
    • Explanation of the department's interest in recruiting the student and potential departmental support beyond the first year
  • Award decisions are made in one or two rounds between March and May. 
  • Students can be re-nominated if they were not selected for a previous academic year.


  • Fulbright students are not subject to the university health insurance requirement, though they may purchase the university-endorsed student insurance plan. The Student Medical Insurance Office is unable to bill Fulbright directly for the insurance.
  • For more information email

Eligibility Requirements

  • Virginia Tech master’s and doctoral level students in the College of Natural Resources and Environment or the College of Science
  • Notable academic merit
  • Demonstrated financial need by submitting a FAFSA to the Office of Financial Aid 
  • U.S. citizenship


  • One-year fellowship awarded per academic year
  • $25,000 stipend
  • Instate tuition for one academic year, starting for the 2024-25 academic year
  • The fellowship does not provide out-of-state tuition assistance


Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be a Virginia Tech graduate student enrolled in graduate studies
  • Nomination from faculty member or department


  • $35,000 stipend for the academic year
  • In-state tuition for one year, starting with the 2024-25 academic year.
  • The fellowship does not provide out-of-state tuition assistance.


Virginia Tech is a member of the GEM Consortium. GEM's mission is to enhance the value of the nation's human capital by increasing the participation of underrepresented minorities (American Indian, African American, Mexican American, Puerto Rican, and other Hispanic Americans) at the master's and doctoral levels in engineering and science. For more information on GEM or if you receive inquiries about application fee-waivers, contact Assistant Dean of the Office of Student Services, Inclusion, and Strategic Partnerships, Catherine Cotrupi, at 540/231-6529. We ask faculty and staff to encourage eligible Virginia Tech undergraduates to apply for funding through GEM.

MS Fellowship Program

  • Stipend of up to $16,000 over three semesters
  • Full tuition and fees for four semesters
  • Two 12-week summer internships with a sponsoring GEM member company

Ph.D. Engineering Fellowship Program

  • Minimum of $14,000 academic-year stipend for up to the fifth year
  • Full tuition and fees (paid by the university)
  • 12-week summer internship with sponsoring GEM member employer
  • Fellow must accept a research or teaching assistantship after the first year

Ph.D. Science Fellowship Program

  • Minimum $14,000 academic year stipend for up to the fifth year
  • Full tuition and fees (paid by the university)
  • 12-week summer internship with sponsoring GEM member employer
  • Fellow must accept a research or teaching assistantship after the first year

Student timeline for applying to GEM:

  • July 1: application opens
  • November 15: application closes
  • Late November: selection panels convene to score applicants
  • November-January: GEM applicants must also apply to at least 3 schools
    • At VT, once students have applied, Graduate Programs Directors and Coordinators are notified for the program to consider the student's application. GEM does not provide full funding, so departments and programs must determine for themselves if they have the funding available to make the commitment that GEM requires. Just because students have been accepted to GEM, this does not mean they are confirmed in the program. Students wishing to inquire about their status in the process should contact Dr. Cotrupi (
  • If students are accepted, they will be notified in late-spring or early-summer, and will receive a contract at that time. 

Eligibility Requirements

  • For Master’s and Doctoral level students who were Ronald E. McNair Scholars as undergraduates
  • Students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents
  • Students must be entering their first year of graduate study at Virginia Tech
  • Part-time students making the transition to full-time graduate student status are eligible for consideration


  • One-year assistantship, with departmental matching funding required for the second year
  • Assistantship stipend determined by department
  • In-state tuition (and out-of-state waivers as needed)
  • Students must pay their own comprehensive fees


  • One award per academic year
  • Nominations by a faculty or staff member by March 1. Use this link to access the nomination form.
  • For more information, contact  Assistant Dean of the Office of Student Services, Inclusion, and Strategic Partnerships, Catherine Cotrupi, 540/231-6529

Peacock-Harper Culinary History Friends Scholarships
Two awards of $1,500, if only one qualified applicant is selected, $3,000 for that applicant.

Awarded by the Peacock-Harper Culinary History Committee, these scholarships honor Janet Cameron and Jean Allen Phillips, who were visionaries, exemplary teachers, passionate about health and nutrition, and dedicated to student success. Selected candidate(s) are welcome to present and share their research after completion of their thesis/dissertation. 

  • Before applying, applicants must schedule a visit with University Librarian Kira Dietz.   Applicants will be asked to discuss how the collection may be used in current or planned research.  Appointments with Kira can be scheduled here.
  • Preference is given to applicants whose scholarly pursuits encompass topics related to material in the Peacock-Harper Culinary History Collection in the University Library's Special Collections section. Research and interests may include human nutrition and foods, culinary history, agricultural history, family nutrition or family nutrition history, food culture, household equipment, kitchen design, social history, ethnic traditions, gender studies, or other related topics. If applicants have not outlined a thesis or dissertation yet, they should have interests that encompass topics related to material in the Collection.
  • Recipients will be required to write a brief summary of work accomplished.

Criteria for consideration:

  • Applicants must be a Virginia Tech graduate student in good standing who have demonstrated leadership and service activities.
  • Include a letter of recommendation from someone familiar with applicant’s strengths and abilities

Applicants must submit a Fellowship Nomination Form by April 1. For more information, contact Anna Zeide,

Eligibility Requirements

  • Undergraduate degree must have been completed at Virginia Tech
  • Must be a current Virginia Tech master’s student
  • M.S.-to-Ph.D. program students are not eligible
  • Must be a permanent resident or U.S. Citizen
  • Nomination from a faculty member or department


  • One-time fellowship payment of $2,000 paid at the beginning of the Fall semester


  • Academic departments must submit a Fellowship Nomination Form by April 1.
  • Preference given to out-of-state students. In-state students will be considered if there are not any out-of-state applicants
  • Preference given to College of Science master’s degree students in even years
  • Preference given to Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering master’s degree students in odd years
  • Departments may submit multiple nominations

Eligibility Requirements

  • Master’s and doctoral-level students who are long-term Virginia residents (attended high school in Virginia)
  • Must demonstrate financial need by submitting a FAFSA
  • to the Financial Aid Office
  • Students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
  • Students must be entering their first year of graduate study at Virginia Tech
  • Part-time students making the transition to full-time graduate student status are eligible for consideration


  • $20,000 stipend
  • In-state tuition for one year
  • Students must pay their own comprehensive fees


Academic departments must submit a Fellowship Nomination Form by April 1.

  • Two awards are granted each academic year
  • One nomination is allowed per department

​Please note that faculty are encouraged to nominate prospective students who add to the diversity of the department, such as students who are traditionally underrepresented in your field/discipline. This may include first generation, low income, racial/ethnic minorities, and women in STEM.

For more information, contact Assistant Dean of the Office of Student Services, Inclusion, and Strategic Partnerships, Catherine Cotrupi, (540) 231-6529.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be a current Virginia Tech graduate student 
  • Nomination from a faculty member or department
  • Must have taken GRAD courses or participated in transformative graduate education (TGE) activities


  • One-time fellowship payment of $1,000 paid at the beginning of the Fall semester


Academic departments must submit a Fellowship Nomination Form by April 1.

In combination with the Cunningham Doctoral Scholarship and the Graduate School Annual Fund, we are delighted to announce the availability of summer fellowships in the amount of $7,500 each.

This supplement will be awarded as a lump sum fellowship (see note below) at the beginning of the summer. This is a one-time award, cannot be renewed, and is awarded without the expectation of any additional work on your part.

Awardees must be current Ph.D. students who are working on their dissertations during the summer months. This award cannot be combined with other Virginia Tech funding sources. Priority will be given to those toward the end of their program. Financial need will be considered as a secondary factor.

Applications will be accepted until May 1. Awards will be announced soon thereafter. For more information and to apply, use this form.

NOTE: Fellowships are not considered employment. No taxes are withheld and you will not receive a W2 form at the end of the year. Fellowships will show on your 1098-T from the university and may have to be reported to the IRS on your 1040 form. However, different tax rules apply to international students. For them, the university is required to collect taxes on the fellowship and to report those amounts at year-end to the IRS on form 1042S.

For more information, see IRS Publication 970: Tax Benefits for Education.

There are a variety of assistantships, scholarships, and fellowships sponsored by the Graduate School. Most of these require departmental nomination; those that require application by a student are marked as such. The eligibility requirements, funding amounts and nomination process vary for each opportunity.