Expectations for Graduate Study
Graduate Life Center at Donaldson Brown ; graduate school sign; architectural detail

Virginia Tech graduate students are expected to be honest, ethical, contributing members of the campus community. The following resources provide details about these important responsibilities.
The Code of Student Conduct, governed by the University Student Conduct System, provides standards of behavior that all Virginia Tech students are required to uphold.
Potential conflicts of interest must be managed to avoid any actual or perceived inappropriate personal, financial, or professional influence over the graduate student’s academic program, research, teaching, or other efforts related to their graduate education. Learn more on this webpage.
These webpages state the expectations for graduate students, faculty, departments, and the Graduate School to foster and maintain a dynamic and productive academic environment. The expectations are listed within six areas: progress toward degree, research and ethics, teaching and training, professional development, assistantships and financial support, and community.
The Graduate Honor System sets a standard of ethical behavior in all academic pursuits and enforces the Graduate Honor Code by addressing violations of ethical practices.
The Graduate Ombuds provides a resource for and information about institutional policies and acts as a facilitator to work towards resolutions of graduate students' concerns.
This important statement defines Virginia Tech's commitment to maintaining a diverse and inclusive environment.
Virginia Tech is committed to ending sex-based harassment and misconduct on our campus and within our community. Visit safe.vt.edu for information on resources, reporting options, and ways to get involved.
READ: Respect, Equity, and Anti-discrimination Training is a mandatory bi-annual training for all faculty, staff, and non-student wage employees of the university. All new employees of the university must complete this training within first 90 days from their start date. This highly interactive workshop covers the key information about the university’s anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies, federal civil rights laws, complaint procedures, and employee reporting responsibilities.
Complete READ training by registering through the PageUp LMS for either an on-demand module or for live, instructor-led training. Please contact OEA at oeatraining@vt.edu with any questions about READ training.