Graduate Student Organizations

Find academic and personal support, gain leadership experience, influence university policy, or just become an active member of your graduate student community. Search for organizations based around your academic discipline, professional organization, nationality, or interests.
Leadership Positions
These leadership positions are sponsored by the university and the Graduate School.
Graduate and Professional Student Senate
The Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS) represents graduate students’ concerns to the university administration and offers professional development, social activities, travel and research funding programs, and other services for graduate students. You can participate as an officer, a delegate, or a member.
Graduate Representative to the Board of Visitors
This representative works closely with the Graduate Student Assembly and the Graduate School administration to bring graduate students’ concerns to the governing body of Virginia Tech.
Graduate Honor System
This student-run organization upholds academic integrity and manages cases of suspected violations to the graduate honor code. You can participate as a panelist, an investigator, or as chief justice.