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Mentoring Resources

There is a wide range of excellent resources that provide recommendations, tips, and advice about choosing or being a good mentor, and how students can get the most out of their relationship with mentors. 

Resources beyond Virginia Tech

Our peer institutions, graduate education-focused organizations, and academic journals offer some fine resources Virginia Tech graduate students can use. 

The Council of Graduate Schools has produced a guide for students that you can download via this link: Great Mentoring in Graduate School: A Quick Start Guide for Proteges.

NCFDD provides tools and resources associated with mentorship in the academy. The University has an institutional membership, so students can use their VT login to sign into the pages and resources.

The University of Michigan's publication, "How to Get the Mentoring You Want: A Guide for Graduate Students," can be found via this link.

Clear expectations for the student-advisor relationship can help minimize problems down the road.  This worksheet can help start a conversation about expectations.

Our own outstanding faculty mentors

The Graduate School recognizes excellent faculty mentors from each college annually and monthly. The award winners are nominated by graduate students. You can read more about the award, and about the award winners, via this link.