Commissions on Graduate and Professional Studies and Policies and Commission on Graduate and Professional Student Affairs
The two commissions focused on graduate studies, policies, and student affairs are part of the larger university governance structure, which consists of 15 committees, 10 commissions, 2 councils, the President of the university and the Board of Visitors. Committees, commissions and councils are comprised of members of the university community (faculty, staff, administrators, students, etc.) who are responsible for speaking on behalf of policy and other matters related to the areas they represent. Committees report up to commissions based on the commission's charge.
The commission, known as CGPSP, is charged to study, formulate, and recommend to the Faculty Senate policies and procedures concerning graduate and professional academic matters. Areas for consideration include admissions, academic progress, degree requirements, commencement; registration and scheduling; graduate curricular standards and expectations, advising, and instruction, both of and by graduate students; research involving graduate students; financial assistance including assistantships, scholarships, and fellowships; the graduate and professional honor systems, including approval of changes to the Graduate Honor Codes; and library resources.
The Commission includes three committees: Graduate Curriculum (GCC); Graduate Appeals; and Degree Requirements, Standards, Criteria, and Academic Progress (DRSCAP). CGS&P sends its recommendations to University Council for approval.
Meeting schedule
During each semester, CGPSP meets the first and third Wednesdays of each month, 3:30-5:00 p.m., in room 238 of the Graduate Life Center and on Zoom.
Membership comprises three ex officio members (Vice President and Dean for Graduate Education; Vice Provost for Undergraduate Academic Affairs, or a designee; Dean for Library Services), One off-campus center representative; one academic dean; two faculty senators elected by teh Faculty Senate; eight faculty representatives (one from each of the colleges); one faculty member from Northern Virginia campus; one representative of the Library Faculty Association; one senator from the Staff Senate; one non-ex officio A/P faculty representative; the chief justice of the Graduate Honor System; five graduate students; one representative from the Student Government Association.
Agendas and Minutes
Minutes from the CGPSP meetings, which are public, can be found here.
The commission, known as CGPSA, is charged to study, formulate, and recommend to the Graduate and Professional Student Senate policies and procedures concerning graduate and professional student life and morale. Areas for consideration include working conditions for GAs, GRAs, and GTAs; graduate and professional student relations with peers, staff, faculty, administrators, alumni, and the community; policy matters related to graduate and professional student conduct; graduate and professional student organizations, social life, and recreation; and residential life, health, safety, and quality of graduate and professional student related services.
Meeting Schedule
During the academic year, the commission meets on the first Tuesday of the month, 3:30-5:00 p.m., on Zoom and in room 238 of the Graduate Life Center.
Commission membership comprises a chair, seven ex-officio members, one dean, and nine graduate students elected by the Graduate and Professional Student Senate. Each of the nine will represent one of the university's colleges.
Agenda and Minutes
The CGPSA agenda and minutes can be found here.
Graduate Curriculum Committee
For information on developing graduate courses and graduate certificates, the guidelines, templates, and cover sheets are available from the Registrar.
For information on developing proposals for new degrees and organizational changes, contact the Office of Degree Development and Support.
For more information about GCC, contact Nicole Akers, (540) 231-1179.