Graduate Catalog
Policies, Procedures, Academic Programs
Education, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
College of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences
War Memorial Hall commemorates the alumni who fought and died in World War I. In addition to offices and classrooms, the building has facilities for recreational activities.
Mail Code:0302 Blacksburg VA 24061
War Memorial Hall
Degree(s) Offered:
• MAEd
MAEd Degree in Education, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Minimum GPA: 3.0
Offered In:
National Capital Region
Southwest Virginia
• PhD
PhD Degree in Education, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Minimum GPA: 3.0
Offered In:
• EdD
EdD Degree in Education, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Minimum GPA: 3.0
Offered In:
National Capital Region
Southwest Virginia
• EdS
EdS Degree in Education, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Minimum GPA: 3.0
Offered In:
National Capital Region
Southwest Virginia
Email Contact(s):
Web Resource(s):
Main Page
Phone Number(s):
Application Deadlines:
Fall: Aug 01
Spring: Jan 01
Summer I: May 01
Summer II: Jun 01
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Program Director : Jodie Brinkmann
Program Director : Charles Lowery
Graduate Program Director : Nancy Bradley
Emeriti Faculty: David Parks; Richard Salmon; Travis Twiford (Hampton Roads); Wayne Worner
Professors: Michael Alexander; Carol Mullen
Associate Professors: Charles Lowery
Professor of Practice: Carol Cash (Richmond)
Assistant Professor of Practice: Jodie Brinkmann (Richmond)

Educational Leadership

Program Leader (MA.ED/EDS): Jodie Brinkmann, (, Virginia Tech Richmond Center, 2810 Parham Road, Suite 300, Richmond, VA  23294)

Program Leader (EDD/PHD): Charles Lowery, (, School of Education, 1750 Kraft Drive, Suite 2000, Blacksburg, VA  24060) 

Graduate Program Director: Nancy Bradley, (, 540-231-1802)


This is a graduate program developed by Virginia Tech to prepare educational administrators for leadership roles in school systems and related agencies.

Admissions Process and Selection Criteria: Admission to graduate study in educational leadership requires acceptance by both the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies program and Virginia Tech's Graduate School. Admission criteria are:

  • An appropriate degree;
  • A grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.3 (on a 4.0 = A scale) on previous graduate work for admission to a doctoral degree program or 3.0 for admission to a master's degree or Ed.S. degree program;
  • Administrative/leadership experience for the doctoral degree;
  • Strong communication skills;
  • At least 3 strongly supportive letters of recommendation, one from the applicant's superintendent is preferred and two from other professional associates;
  • A successful interview with a faculty committee from Virginia Tech;
  • Scores on the Graduate Record Examination are required for the Ph.D. option.

Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership

Degrees Offered: Successful completion of the program will result in award of the Ph.D. or Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies.

Locations: Educational Leadership offers doctoral programs at the following locations:

  • Blacksburg campus of Virginia Tech/Virginia Tech Center at Higher Education Center in Roanoke
  • Northern Virginia locations
  • Newport News locations
  • Virginia Tech Richmond Center
  • Virginia Tech Center at the Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center in Abingdon

The EdD degree program is organized and delivered at each site in cohorts of approximately 15 students who are practicing professionals. The PhD option is available on the Blacksburg campus to students who wish to pursue university teaching or careers in policy related work. Only a few students are admitted into the Ph.D. option each year. The number of admissions is limited so that faculty may offer students the support and guidance they need.

Curriculum: Successful candidates will complete a minimum of 63 postmaster's credits for the Ed.D. and 69 postmaster's credits for the Ph.D. The program extends over a 36-month period and covers coursework in foundations, applied studies, research, cognates, and the dissertation. Part-time students take at least two courses each semester, including each summer session over approximately a three-year period. Coursework includes, but is not limited to, governance and policy, quantitative and qualitative research methods, literature reviews, advanced school law, advanced school finance, legal aspects of special education, theories of educational administration, planning educational facilities, and administration of instructional programs. Special topics will cover school safety, testing and the Standards of Learning, school accreditation, diversity, ethics, and the politics of education. An individual program of studies is planned for each student and depends upon the student's previous academic record, background, and interests.

Master's or Education Specialist Program in Educational Leadership

The Program for the Preparation of School Principals and Supervisors began in the fall of 1971 following an eighteen-month study of school leadership by practicing administrators and supervisors, university faculty, and state department of education officials. The resulting cohort program is learning centered, field sensitive, team taught, technologically and resource rich, performance driven, and problem oriented. It is offered in Northern Virginia locations, Newport News locations, Richmond, Roanoke, Abingdon, Blacksburg, and at other sites in Virginia. It is also offered on-line, beginning 2020.  It is reviewed and revised annually to meet the changing needs of school leaders. Applicants who have previously earned a master's degree may complete an Education Specialist (Ed.S.) degree through this program.

Sense of Purpose: Talented educators are prepared through this program for positions in school administration and supervision. Graduates are able to work collaboratively with teachers, students, parents, and community leaders in the development of school programs that encourage and promote the growth of all students. They possess the management skills needed to support a productive learning environment for students and teachers. They have the ability to work side-by-side with educators, parents, and community agencies in developing, implementing, and evaluating programs designed to prevent or to confront learning and behavioral difficulties. They are able to work with teachers, children, parents, and community members with diverse needs, views, and values. They have a professional code of ethics and are able to function effectively within local, state, and federal laws, rules, and regulations. Above all, they are caring and competent human beings.

A Practical Knowledge Base: The program is based on the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL), and is accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). Further, the knowledge and skill objectives were identified, and are periodically reviewed, by practicing school administrators and supervisors. These standards and objectives are incorporated into the courses and internship experiences of the program. Heavy emphasis is placed on student learning, collaborative leadership, a productive culture, shared decision making, and planned change.

Facilitative Instructional Practices: Courses are performance based and technologically rich. Students use case materials, simulations, and real-life problems to learn various approaches to decision making and problem solving. Both faculty and students favor problem-based learning; it is now used in one form or another in all courses. Both video conferencing and computer-based learning management software are used to facilitate communication among individual students and faculty, among small groups, and between cohorts.

An internship begins in the first semester and continues for the entire program. Interns select, with the approval of the campus supervisor, a mentor. A minimum of 350 clock hours with a minimum of 120 clock hours directly focused on improving student learning is required. The intern works a minimum of 120 clock hours at one school level; a minimum of 40 clock hours at the other school levels (elementary, middle, or high); a minimum of 40 clock hours at the central office; and a minimum of 30 clock hours in agencies that deal with children or families. All experiences are on site and are designed to meet the required objectives spelled out in the internship manual. The mentor or campus supervisor approves all experiences used for the completion of objectives. At least one reading is selected to facilitate the achievement of each objective in the internship. Reflections on the experiences, the readings, and the relationship between the two are recorded in a log, which is regularly reviewed by the on-site and campus supervisors.

Selection Procedures: Students are carefully selected for the program. Applicants submit an application form with the usual demographic information; a letter of application describing previous leadership experiences, motives for becoming a school leader, and commitments to education and school administration or supervision; and letters of recommendation from three persons. An interview is conducted using a protocol to assess the applicant's academic potential, commitment to becoming a principal or supervisor, commitment to completing the program, communication skills, educational values, interpersonal skills, leadership potential, teaching experience and performance, and technological competence Two writing samples are required for admission. A sample of the student's best writing is submitted with the application package. Written responses within the supplemental portion of the application are also reviewed for substance and structure.  Faculty members, community members, practicing school leaders, and sometimes teachers serve on the interview committee. After a review of materials and the interview, those students with the highest ratings are invited to join the program.

Use of Technology: Faculty members integrate instructional technology in every course. The Canvas online course management system may be used to supplement on-site teaching. Video conferencing systems, like ZOOM, connect cohorts across sites. Graduates use distance learning equipment and software, courseware such as Canvas, spreadsheets, scheduling and record keeping software, and presentation software such as Corel's Presentations and Microsoft's PowerPoint throughout the program. They meet the state's technology standards for teachers and administrators, and they have the skills needed to evaluate instructional and managerial software.

Please see the Educational Leadership web site for specific requirements for all degrees.


Offered In (National Capital Region, Richmond, Roanoke, Southwest Virginia)

Degree Requirements

Minimum GPA: 3.0
Institution code: 5859
Testing Requirements:
    • iBT
      • 90.0

The Educational Leadership Program offers the M.A.Ed. degree in Northern Virginia locations, Newport News Locations, Richmond, Roanoke, Southwest Virginia and Virtual.  

Please refer to the program website for specific requirements.

Offered In (Blacksburg)

Degree Requirements

Minimum GPA: 3.0
Institution code: 5859
Testing Requirements:
    • iBT
      • 90.0
The Educational Leadership Program offers the Ph.D. degree only in Blacksburg.

Please refer to the program website for specific requirements.

Offered In (Virtual, National Capital Region, Richmond, Roanoke, Southwest Virginia)

Degree Requirements

Minimum GPA: 3.0
Institution code: 5859
Testing Requirements:
    • iBT
      • 90.0
The Educational Leadership Program offers the Ed.D. degree in Newport News locations, Northern Virginia locations, Richmond, Roanoke,  Southwest Virginia and Virtual.  

Please refer to the program website for specific requirements.

Offered In (National Capital Region, Richmond, Roanoke, Southwest Virginia)

Degree Requirements

Minimum GPA: 3.0
Institution code: 5859
Testing Requirements:
    • iBT
      • 90.0

The Educational Leadership Program offers the Ed.S. degree in Northern Virginia locations, Newport News locations, Richmond, Roanoke, and Southwest Virginia.

Please refer to the program website for specific requirements.


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